the graceful(right) and the ungraceful(left) lol!!!
notice the similarity between the 2 photos? haha
dt temps without victor! haha thankz vic for taking the photo~~~ =X
ok after that dinner was at ichiban sushi! the food there really solid haha! or perhaps we were too hungry already.. food tasted especially yummy
yesterday was vesak day! went to baibai in the morning... just wondering.. y is vesak day a public holiday? or rather.. christians have 2 public holidays in the form of good friday n christmas.. and buddhists only have 1 public holiday.. haha who cares.. got public holiday can liao
林隆璇.李聖傑 你那麼愛她
璇﹕直到愛消失你才懂得 去珍惜身邊每個 美好風景 只是她早已離去
傑﹕直到你想通她早已經 不再對你留戀 最後的你 開始了一段掙扎
璇﹕你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下 為什麼不說心裡話
你深愛她 這是每個人都知道啊
傑﹕你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下 是不是你有深愛的兩個她
所以你不想再讓自己 無法自拔
meaningful? definitely...