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Saturday, September 25, 2010

ok.. sorry for the almost 8 week hiatus from here haha lots have been happening =)

well 1stly i have been bz with volunteering for YOG... totally didnt regret volunteering coz it's really a new experience for me.. though i was just a goodie bag distributor... i did some form of ushering during some combined rehearsals as well as during the actual opening and closing ceremonies.. it was great to meet the young atheletes from all over the world.. they r a bunch of very friendly ppl~ and so r the volunteers whom i worked with at the tentage.. it was all of our combined effort that made the goodie bag distribution possible! hahaha

2ndly.. sch has started for me... no longer at NUS but UChicago! yea but i'm still in SG... i dun think i'll be able to spend a long time away from home.. really will miss home de lo.. so yea that's y i like this program... it's all done in sg haha~ =) hmm becoz of the 13hour time difference between here and chicago... lessons r conducted from 7.30am to 10.30am~ when it is 6.30pm-9.30pm over at chicago... why must lessons be conducted at the same moment? coz the lecturers will be over at chicago while over here in sg.. we get to watch the lecture thru an interactive video conference~ why is it "interactive"? well that's coz we have a microphone over here and can ask qns and they can hear us over at the other side... sounds cool~ met lots of friendly ppl already and from the looks of it... i hope i'll be able to enjoy the course together with these ppl =)

There's no such thing as a perfect person... there's only a person perfect for you!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{4:17 PM|

Monday, August 2, 2010

hey ho! more than 2 months out... i m back! hoho!

i have graduated from NUS loh~~ yup my commencement was on 11 July 2010 and it was great to experience a convocation ceremony of my own after attending 2 of my sister's... and so now i m an official holder of a Bachelor's degree! =D up next: Masters hiak hiak~~

also.. i just came back from my pretty long UK trip~ yup almost 2 weeks long but yea feels good to be back home lying on your own bed... a pretty enjoyable trip though tiring at times coz of the long distance travelling.. pics can be viewed at my facebook page but there r loads of albums with loads or pics! hahaha 1200+ pics in total so can slowly take a look bah hahaha

actually also nothing much to update on my life seriously nothing exciting is happening... haa hmm oh well till the next post... ta ta~~

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{5:16 PM|

Thursday, May 27, 2010

feeling lost n helpless...

needs a beacon to guide me...

please let there be light~

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{3:40 PM|

once again i have neglected this site for more than a month.. well coz i have been bz with many things~
firstly 3 days after my previous post.. i had to conquer my final nus examination which was like 4 papers in 4 days.. it was kinda like a marathon starting on monday and ending on thurs.. this exam felt good.. probably coz i know after this.. there wont be anymore for me in nus and for many others.. it's the end of their schooling life.. i'm sure many felt lost n still are feeling lost after studying for the past dunnoe how many donkey years and suddenly.. no more studying required.. it's out into the working world where they will spend the majority of the remainder of their lives.. it's quite a scary thought and i guess this is yet another phase of growing up
after the much hated exams... 6 of us... me xuanang chianwen jeslin serene and yuqian had something to look forward to! woo hoo grad trip and it's taiwan! i must say it was a very good experience.. only the 2nd time abroad with friends.. the weather there on the 1st day was good but after that it was hot hot hot... almost no difference between the weather there n singapore lor.. yea but they really have lots of good food n drinks.. the scenery there (mainly the rocks which we were brought to see) wasnt very fantastic.. i guess i'm not a very geological person who will appreciate all these natural phenomenons.. but still we had a great time taking pictures of random rocks... together with the more well known rocks as well~
personally i felt that the 6 of us had the best time at the ranch? where we rented 2 buggies to roam around the ranch... all of us took turns to drive the thing and it was a good time to teach chianwen n serene how to drive.. they did really well for their 1st time =) later on in the night.. we headed to the hotspring to just "chill" inside... but technically we werent really chilling since the spring was at 37 degrees? heh ok lame....
how about the most unforgettable experience? i had a tough time deciding between the bus incident and the roller coaster which we took =X and hmmm... after some time.. i think the roller coaster will be a better candidate~ since i wasnt very affected by the bus incident.. just a little shocked by it.. but the roller coaster~ wooo.. it's the 1st time i took a roller coaster.. not only that... it is a suspended n looping coaster and it was wild~ i remember shouting for the 1st half of the ride then for the next half i guess i got tired of shouting... to the extent that i was even looking around at the scenery.. although i couldnt really catch much at that kind of speed n since it was twisting n turning all the time... =X
so now i'm back from taiwan... waiting for exam results to be released and that would be another step closer to graduation! =)
yesterday was a meetup for the taiwan gang hahaha we all headed to marina barrage for an unsuccessful kite-flying session but a great picnic under the shade.. on the concrete floor with food prepared by us~ chianwen's sweet n sour pork, serene's pancakes, xuanang's pasta, szehui's chocolate, yuqian's packet drinks and my french toast!! the journey there was a long n treacherous 1... had to travel all the way to cck to meet qian srn boo so that we could have the car to drive there.. finally had a refresher course for manual car.. never realise it's been 4 years since i last drove a manual car.. the feeling was good but really stressful coz it wasnt my car.. it's been sooooo long since i last drove a manual car.. some incidents happened on the way there n back which i think i should shoulder the blame... will not let a similar incident happen again yup

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:54 AM|

Friday, April 23, 2010

more than a month later... here i am to write a new post! haha i know i should be studying but taking a break... and very long nv update already so =) here we go!

since the last post... many things have happened... most notably.. many tests n assignments all finally done n dusted.. i have finished my last week of formal learning in uni and today marks the end of reading week and b4 u know it.. exams would be over already n we will be anticipating the fact that we are all gonna graduate from nus... the feeling is really different from the time i graduated from sec sch or jc.. yup will definitely miss all my uni friends coz we wont be going thru the same routine anymore.. no more going to the lecture theatre to crap with each other.. no more going to dilys to buy my hotdog bun, waffle n carrot cake.. no more going to buona vista mrt together, squeezing on bus 95... yup

after this exams.. it's gonna be a 4 month holiday for me.. and yea i'm going to taiwan! together with xuanang, chianwen, jeslin, serene n yuqian! not many ppl but yea... sounds good enough to have lots of fun! never been to taiwan so really eagerly anticipating the trip together with them! also daddy said he wanna go to england for a holiday and that's probably gonna be another 2 weeks? hmm well as long as we go to manchester... hoho! i'll be damn happy! then i'll be left with slightly more than 3 months of holiday which i hope i'll be able to find a temp job so that i wont laze around at home doing nothing... woohoooo

shall talk about today! it's the day i go from 23 to 24 on 23/4.. nice huh? haha yup that's right.. officially 24 but i dun feel particularly excited about this year's bday lei.. it does feel great to receive the wishes to show that ppl do remember n i really really appreciate it.. especially my friends who go thru the trouble to plan dinner n the surprises~ i may not have much expressions but i m really happy to have these friends =D of coz not to forget my family who really want the best for me and i've received gifts from them and yea i really like all of them! haha!

let's rewind slightly to 17 apr which was the last day of school.. yup sch actually ended at 2pm n deloitte temps were only meeting at 630? so my plan was to stay in sch n study until time was up.. so after staying in sch for just a while... i decided to go cut my hair n the only slot available was 330.... it was already 245 at that time so i had to sort of rush down but yea managed to get there on time and when i was done with the haircut... i was thinking of how i was gonna slack my way to 630... then bumped into szehui la.. -_-" went grocery shopping with her n her bf which i felt i was kinda bright.. hahaha oh man but yea after that still gt lots of time so i went to clarke n slacked along singapore river.. took some pictures.. it feels good to just sit n stone on the steep steps that lead to the river.. really feels very peaceful hahaha then it was dinner n a surprise bday cake from my deloitte friends (i have to name them rite? 我要谢谢 yuanfang, elaine, filina, kenneth, junrong and victor) haha yea appreciated their time n effort and of coz their dinner treat haha so yea cheers!!

then it was out to cathay starbucks to study on tuesday with kahwoon chianwen and jinlin! i expected to just study n study we did... up until evening time when jinlin said she gtg for tuition and so she left... little did i know we will meet again later on lol! so left the 3 of us deciding where to go for dinner.. ichiban it is and then when we got there i was really shocked to see jinlin there with a cake there liao lor hoho so now 我也要谢谢 kahwoon, chianwen n jinlin =)

so really i feel that it's the little things in life that make me happy.. that keeps me going... the little things like my mama buying koi for my 2 days ago when i didnt even tell her that i felt like drinking it... which is why i never liked making things so grand n like so big shot... probably the only time i'll every do that will be my wedding... hahaha other than that i have always believed in the little things in life =)

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{10:38 PM|

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

free day today but decided to stay home (just like the weekend that just passed) so that i can study n prepare for my upcoming test.. yea for this semester i have the most number of tests during term time... 7 in total.. just completed 1 yesterday and the lecturer said that it's easier than the previous test that we took under the same module.. i seriously doubt so.. and hmm 1 more test coming up this sat..yea there isnt any typo.. saturday! coz the lazy lecturer cant book any venue for the test at the last minute.. then had to settle for either wed or sat.. and as usual he only heard the front part of the lecture theatre shouting SATURDAY! and not the local students at the back saying wednesday! then when he decided to schedule it on the saturday.. he asked wat time..9-11 or 1-3... same thing happened so the test is gonna be on saturday..9-11am.. there goes my slp again

on a happier note, not many ppl know about this..and i cant remember if i blogged about it b4.. but some time ago i applied for a course in the university of chicago...a master of science in financial maths
-- edited: haha ok.. i went to read my previous posts n yea i did blog about it =X on 30 jan =X --
and i received an email from the admissions department..not sure if they call it that but anyway.. they sent me an email to tell me that i've been accepted into the program! they'll be sending a mail all the way from chicago too so i think will be receiving that mail by the end of the week~ so i guess i wont be working full time until next year but i m thinking of doing an internship instead.. not sure if any1 will accept a graduate as an intern waiting for enrollment into a graduate course.. will have to find out then but that will wait until next week since i have a test this sat and an assignment due on mon! the list just never stops.. tests and assignments~~

this is really random but i have to say.. i quite like the eastern part of sg.. probably coz i've been living here all my life.. haha actually for the 1st 2 months of my life, i was still staying at marine parade.. then after that we shifted over to my current home and i dun think there r plans to shift out of this house anytime within the next few years.. i'm happy with this place even though it's freakin ulu.. have to walk 10mins to the nearest food stall.. 15-20mins to the mrt station.. only a 5min walk to the bus stop but the bus takes 15mins to come.. not to mention the occasional stray cats and dogs that appear out of nowhere and wander around at night when u're walking home.. haha and recently.. there was a wild monkey spotted by my mother.. i havent seen it yet but as i was saying.. i like the east.. it gives a different kind of feeling.. feels very relaxed.. very serene yea but u'll get a totally different feeling when u are at the north or west.. just a different aura..i wont say it's not good..just feels different that's all =X

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{12:42 PM|

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it finally rained! and on a day that i dun have to wake up early... so means a great sleep! ahhaha but still feeling tired.. oh man gotta admit that age is catching up... damn scary

been almost a month since i updated.. haha loads have happened but not very exciting news anyway.. things like chinese new year... midterm testsssss... nothing really great to talk about.. but wat i really wanna talk about is something really different from all my previous posts

this was wat happened... about 2 weeks ago.. my jc class had a gathering to go visit our fmaths tutor...since it was still cny so visiting her during cny would be a very good idea.. we caught up with one another and i learnt that some of them r enjoying their work.. 1 of them has a really good paying job but he has to work very long hours..got money also cant spend.. =X and another 1.. bought himself a car already.. even when he is still studying just like me.. i have no idea where he got his $ from but it got me thinking.. it's time for me to transit from being supported by my parents to supporting myself and of coz my parents when my dad officially retires...

so lately i've been calculating how much i would need to spend on a monthly basis in order to do so.. and after some time... i've decided that my 1st major target after getting a job is to get a car.. a small one would do..something like jazz or swift would be cool... 1 of the reasons that made me decide this is coz my dad is using the car all the time... to go to work.. to go for functions.. go meetings...so he goes out early in the morning and often returns home at around 8+ 9+.. and many times when my mum wans to go out n buy some stuff (i dunnoe why but most of the times... it's bulky or heavy stuff) she sometimes will drag me along to walk out...take bus... shop... carry the stuff...take bus..come home.. pretty troublesome but it would be much better with another car around... wat's the use of a license without a car rite? haha

went to the dentist on sunday n he strongly encourages me to put on braces.. i m still quite uncertain with that idea though now i'm leaning more towards putting them on.. he says my jaw is so small that my bottom teeth r all cramped up and that's the reason why my wisdom tooth isnt out yet.. no space to come out -_-" anybody can advise on the inconveniences with braces on??

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:02 AM|

The guy

About Me

  • Terrence aka Fax
  • 23 Apr 1986
  • Struggling in the Faculty of Science at NUS
  • Cannot live without music, soccer and food
  • Fan of Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic
  • Manchester United for life!



Beautiful Memories